First Things First…
Can Vecna go three for three?
He’s killed a new, prominent character in each of the first two episodes. I want to see if his killing spree continues.
I’m also intrigued what will happen to El after she mangled Angela’s face with a roller skate.
And now that we have confirmation—as if we needed it—that Hopper survived the explosion, is this the episode he returns?
5 Things I Like
5. Lucas Sacs Up
I’ve been down so far on the basketball team hunting Eddie and taking aim at the Hellfire Club. But Lucas chooses his allegiance here, and he comes through like a champ.
I wasn’t sure what was happening when he told his teammates he knew where Eddie was hiding right after it seemed he was siding with his real friends. Throwing the jocks off the scent by bringing them to Hopper’s cabin is a stroke of genius I didn’t expect from him. Hopefully this brings him back into the fold.
4. Return of Dr. Owens
It caught me off guard when I realized the cold open was at Dr. Owens’ house, but I’m glad he’s back. He was one of the best parts of Season Two. As for the reason he’s back—I’m not ready to applaud that yet.
3. Fleshing Out the Upside Down
I love everything about the Upside Down. Always have. So I’m thrilled to get another look at it. We’re still not there for long, but we see how Vecna “plugs in” to the tendrils, and we see a bunch of other creatures roaming about. I don’t know what any of it means yet, or if seeing more if it will wind up being important to the story. But I’m here for it every time.
2. Team Growing
This show is always about the group dynamic, so I’m glad to see more of the kids coming back together. Even if they split up to do individual jobs, I like that we now have Dustin, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Max together, working with Eddie. Hopefully after the stunt he pulled with the basketball team, Lucas finds his way back to them, too. Plus Erica—we gotta get her back involved. That leaves Mike, Will, and Jonathan in California… El with Dr. Owens… and Joyce and Murray in Alaska, hopefully about to get Hopper. (And Mr. Clark… WHERE THE EFF IS MR. CLARK???)
1. In Vecna’s Crosshairs
Chilling end of the episode! Max’s snooping through her guidance counselor’s files makes her realize she’s the ideal candidate for Vecna to target…

Sure enough, he immediately starts targeting her.
Hearing that creepy Vecna voice saying YOUR name—it’s not what you want.
3 Things I’m Mixed On
3. Victor Creeley
We learned of Victor last episode from Eddie’s uncle. Vecna’s victims were killed and deformed just the way Victor’s supposed victims had been years earlier, so he believes Victor must have escaped the asylum.
Nancy’s hunch, though, indicates Victor is probably innocent—and that Vecna has been around for a long time.
If true, this raises serious questions—like, was a gate to the Upside Down opened prior to when El opened it? Or did Vecna start out as something else? Or from somewhere else?
This has the potential to be a really cool storyline. I just want to see it play out more, because if the explanation is lacking, it’ll wind up being a dud.
2. Just Get Hop Back Already

Just like last episode, it’s not that I’m not enjoying the Hopper scenes, but they feel like they’re stalling. They made it so clear from the start that he wasn’t really gone, so let’s just get him back in the main story—preferably without having to pay someone to break any more of his bones.
1. Powering Up?
“I don’t know you that well, kiddo, but I’m betting the fate of the planet that you’re one of the good ones.”
Dr. Owens
I’m torn on how I feel about El potentially getting her powers back now. I always figured she would get them eventually, and I didn’t love this early portion of the season when she doesn’t have them. But, it was really important that last year everyone else had to step up because she couldn’t always save the day. I don’t know how this will change the dynamic.
Plus, having Owens come into the story and just immediately offer to give them back to her while making her assault on Angela disappear is a total copout.
2 Things I Don’t Like
2. An Unlikely Investigative Pair
“What are we looking for exactly? Nance? Any mention of dark wizards or alternate dimensions? Things in that vein?”
I never considered the potential of Steve and Nancy getting back together. And if that’s really what leads to Nancy being so annoyed and testy with Robin—well, it’s not a fun dynamic.
Maybe having a breakthrough in the investigation together—Nancy’s hunch looking correct, and Robin finding the proof—will thaw the ice. Maybe even enough for Robin to share her secret with Nancy. But if things between them are going to be like this, I don’t want them paired again. Robin is still way more annoying than I remember her from last season, and Nancy is even more of a stick in the mud.
1. From, Mike
How did this suddenly become an issue? We’ve never had any indication that Mike had a problem saying he loves El. She even overheard that awesome speech last season when the others wanted to use her to find the Mind Flayer, and he thought they were pushing her too hard and tried to protect her.
I’m not always a big Mike defender. He’s often a douchebag. But this came out of nowhere, and it doesn’t feel true to him or their relationship.