First Things First…
This episode originally aired as Episode 4.8.
Season 4 ends with a four-part arc. And while I don’t know what it’s about, nor do I recognize the title, it looks like Apocalypse is the villain! And it looks like Cable is back! I’m excited to close this season out on a high note.
2 Things I Like
2. Big Things Afoot
This episode does a lot of setup, and there’s a TON going on…
We’ve got two of the biggest guns in this universe, Bishop and Cable, looming. Bishop is stuck in the Axis of Time, which sucks, but I’m sure he’ll find his way out so he can join the fight. And Cable loses his computer to Apocalypse, so he’s stuck in 3999. But I assume he’ll find a way into the fight, too.
Meanwhile, Shard makes her way to the present to help the X-Men. She immediately proves her worth by fighting off Mister Sinister. And she’s got Forge on standby in the future.
Speaking of Mister Sinister, he’s working with—or maybe for—Apocalypse! Talk about the dream team I never knew I needed!
And they’ve just committed one kidnapping, taking Jean Grey straight from her wedding. More seem likely, considering all the empty tubes remaining in their headquarters, just like the one Jean is trapped in.
Now, what does this all mean?
Who knows?
Not much has come together yet. That’s often my cue to stick something in the “Mixed” category. But so much of what’s going on here involves my favorite characters—characters who usually signal big things poppin’.
I expect I’ll like this arc more as it progresses and the plot becomes clear. But for now, I’m excited enough about what they’re setting up for at least a soft “Like.”
1. More Dangerous Than Ever
“Your attack was foreseen. I allowed you to get this far so I might gain the one great power I lack—a passport to the dimension of time.”
For the first time, we see Apocalypse contemplative. A little sad, even.

His fight with Cable starts normal enough, with Apocalypse delivering his usual litany of amazingly, over the top declarations and insults, like…
“Feeble mutant! You dare challenge Apocalypse again? Blasphemer! You defile my sacred chamber?”
But Cable soon makes him stop and think about something unsettles him…
Despite being alive for more than 5,000 years, with no one ever really having beaten him…
… Apocalypse still hasn’t won, either.
It leads to this fascinating monologue…
“But then again, I am given pause to wonder. Is it possible you are correct, mutant? I have been battling your kind for thousands of years. I ought to have triumphed long ago. But what if, like tortured Sisyphus, I cannot win? Ever! What a cruel joke. Am I doomed to struggle with such filth until the end of time? Perhaps my newfound power can show me the answer.”
This is the first part of what makes him more dangerous than ever. He’s finally analyzing his results, looking more realistically at what he’s really accomplished, and it’s spurred new plans.
Part of those plans involve time travel. He takes Cable’s computer from him, and now Apocalypse can time travel—another reason he’s more dangerous than ever.
Now, I don’t yet understand what he wants to do. But he’s never had someone like Mister Sinister in his employ before.
The danger just keeps rising, rising, rising…
And with a powerful telepath like Jean also in his possession, things keep looking worse for the rest of the world.
2 Things I’m Mixed On
2. Away Teams
I’m often a little leery of other teams in this show, mainly because they’re whole groups of characters who we don’t know much about.
Here, we see the return of the Nasty Boys alongside Mister Sinister. And while we saw them a bunch during Season 2 and have a sense of their powers, I still don’t know or care much about them as individuals.
The episode also kicks off with Cable leading a team into Apocalypse’s temple. I don’t know these characters at all. I recognized the name Tyler as soon as he said it and realized that’s Cable’s son, all grown up now. But otherwise, nothing.
Don’t get me wrong—I don’t have a problem with either team. But they do take up space. And with no connection to them, I can’t get excited about seeing them, either. Especially in an episode with so much already going on.
1. Just Married! (For Real This Time)
“If you don’t make her happy, don’t let me find out.”
We finally get the wedding of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. And while I’m happy such a monumental event in X-Men lore finally happens in the series, there’s not much to say about it.
I guess I could talk about Mister Sinister and the Nasty Boys crashing the party. It’s certainly eventful for that reason.
Or I could talk about Wolverine moping around, looking forlorn.

But I think my biggest takeaway from the wedding is that I really like the color of the men’s bowties and cummerbunds, which match the bridesmaids’ dresses. What is that? Peach? Maybe something I’ll keep in mind.

1 Thing I Don’t Like
1. Outside of Time with a Lunatic
“This clown’s wearing thin.”
I don’t mind Bishop being caught outside of time for the moment. As I said, I kinda like the fact that he’s looming, and I expect him to join the fight eventually.
But this guy Bender sucks.
I thought for sure he was voiced by the same guy who voices Mojo. I was wrong, but Bender still has that frenetic Mojo energy. And though he hasn’t surpassed Mojo as my least favorite character in the series, I think he just claimed second place on the list. I really hope Bishop gets away from him fast.