First Things First…
This originally aired as Episode 3.17.
I like the Juggernaut, so bringing him back feels like a good way to kick off a new season (even if this didn’t originally air as a season premiere).
4 Things I Like
4. Cyclops’ Dating Advice
“Women like guys to be themselves.”
I love this little moment of levity between Cyclops, Wolverine, and the new Juggernaut. Not only is it hilarious that Cyclops chimes in with real advice to this guy they’re about to fight, but it’s actually good advice. And while Cyclops’ squareness is unquestioned, he’s still engaged to Jean. He must be doing something right.
3. Cain Has a Point
“Forgive you? You’re still doing it! Messing around where you don’t belong!”
In a moment, I’ll have more to say about the Professor’s discoveries from invading Cain’s mind after he loses his Juggernaut powers. But here, I want to focus on one important realization. Part of his stepbrother’s resentment toward him is justified. Even though it was unwittingly, young Charles used his powers to read Cain’s mind.
When Charles tells Cain he was too young to control his powers as a kid and asks for forgiveness, it seems like they’re ripe to finally come to some sort of mutual understanding.
Instead, Cain makes an extremely valid point. Charles is literally in his mind right now, still doing it! He’s telepathically asking for forgiveness for having used his telepathic powers against Cain in the past.
2. Helping Juggernaut Against Their Will
“Well, I say, let him plead. After all the misery he’s caused us.”
Nobody wants to help the Juggernaut—at least at first—besides Professor X. And who can blame them? They didn’t kill him, nor did they take his powers away from him. Nothing that’s happening to him is their fault. They can just let him die guilt-free.
And they know it.
For once, they’re not trying to be idealistic heroes. They’re acting like real people. People who remember that the Juggernaut once destroyed their mansion and has continually tried to kill them. They know their lives would be easier with a dangerous villain like Juggernaut dead.
Ultimately, saving Juggernaut is the heroic move. And per the Professor’s orders, that’s what they do. But they seem more relatable by not just doing it blindly, willingly, enthusiastically, or without voicing their obvious concerns.
1. Xavier Confronts His Childhood Trauma
“I thought I was over all of this. But I was so young, and it hurt so much.”
Professor X
We finally get an extended look inside Juggernaut’s mind—something we’ve been denied in the past. And it’s ugly. He was a bully and a dick long before he had powers.

Despite that, Charles learns some stuff that rocks him. His stepfather never really loved him or his mother. He only married her for her wealth.
Charles also learns just how deep-seated Juggernaut’s resentment of him is. And he’s reminded of when his stepbrother turned everyone against him—including a girl he must’ve liked—when they were kids.
These scenes are well-written, especially as Xavier looks back and acknowledges that he thought he had gotten over this stuff years ago, but it still hurts.
1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. Juggernaut’s Power Source
I had no idea Juggernaut isn’t a mutant. Considering the story he’s in, I just assumed.
It’s a good way to differentiate him, since the majority of characters in this world—heroes and villains—who have powers are mutants.
Instead, Juggernaut’s powers are mystical. But I’d like to know a little more of the story here. Like, how on Earth did a meathead like Cain Marko learn about the ruby of Cyttorak and get his hands on it? Did he visit the Cave of Cyttorak? This feels like some deep lore to just come out of nowhere, with very little explanation.
2 Things I Don’t Like
2. Cyclops Flip Flops
I was so happy that Cyclops, like the rest of the team, balks at the idea of helping the Juggernaut. When he first gets word of what Xavier wants them to do, he exclaims…
“He wants what?? Give me one good reason why we should help the Juggernaut!”
But all it takes is one word reminding him that Juggernaut is Xavier’s stepbrother, and he completely changes his tune, turning to Wolverine and saying…
“We’re gonna save the Juggernaut’s sorry life. And don’t bother telling me you don’t like it.”
It’s an absolutely ridiculous change of heart.
1. Silly New Juggernaut
“I’m big! Wow! And these muscles! I’m a hunk! Oh, the girls are gonna go nuts!”
Eugene Torbit Witterspan
This nerd who steals Juggernaut’s powers for himself is so, so silly.
After he gets his powers, he breaks everything he touches around his apartment, he harasses a woman at a nightclub, and he even starts disco dancing while in the middle of fighting against Wolverine and Cyclops. Even after they leave, we return to the club and the silly dancing.

In an episode that has some poignant scenes involving childhood trauma and grief resurfacing in adulthood, these scenes are such kid stuff.
It seems kid stuff because this is kids cartoon. And how to show alt. take on powers if not through someone who wants them to not fight with others.
As per lore, WatchMojo’s “Supervillain origins: Juggernaut” video does tell about it, if interested
Thanks for that video recommendation. I didn’t know any of his background. Apparently he doesn’t even need food or oxygen to survive! I’ll have to watch more of those Mojo videos.