First Things First…
I really liked the first part of “The Phoenix Saga.” But it felt like a prologue. Hopefully now we get into the meat of the story.
5 Things I Like
5. Still on Rogue Watch
Rogue is still absent. But once again, they address it. Scott calls her to give her a heads up about what’s going on following their return to Earth, including Jean’s hospitalization. And he tells her to be ready in case they need to call her in. It’s a very small part of the story, but I’m glad they’re not just ignoring her absence. And now that it’s been two straight episodes, I’m officially intrigued about whether there’s a reason for this, and what role she might play later in the saga.
4. Juggernaut?!
Juggernaut might literally be the last person I expected to bust into Professor X’s room on Muir Island at the end of the episode. What does he possibly have to do with this story? He seems totally out of place in an intergalactic space saga. And that has me intrigued!
But that’s not the only reason I want to see where this goes…
Remember, when he debuted in Season 1, destroying the mansion and robbing banks, the professor was away. So we’ve never seen him interact with his brother. This isn’t the time I thought we’d see that pay off, but I want to see their dynamic.
3. Scott and Xavier Play the Blame Game
I never thought I’d see Scott and Xavier go at it like this!
We knew from last time that Scott was worried about going into the space mission blind. And despite the professor’s reassurance that he had full faith in Scott, things went horribly wrong. Now, with Jean hospitalized and possessed by an unknown entity, Scott is understandably pissed.
When he demands answers about what’s really going on, and Professor X angrily replies that he’s told them all that makes any sense, Scott yells, “That’s not good enough! Jean’s lying in there because you sent us in blind against something that almost destroyed us! Because you failed to warn us!”
I hate to side with Scott, but he’s absolutely right. Xavier’s response—“You had all the information then available. A good leader doesn’t have to be warned to be on his guard!”—is horseshit. Scott had the team on guard. But he had no idea what kind of trap they were walking into, nor how dangerous these foes are. That’s not on him.
Still, it’s fun watching Xavier lose his shit a little bit. We’ll get to even more of that in a moment.
2. Phoenix Possession
I’m not sure how to describe what happens to Jean on the ship. Is she possessed? That’s my best understanding right now, after her body is invaded by a fiery, bird-like creature.
Even cooler is in the moments before the “possession.” We see split-second flashes of the Phoenix looking incredibly evil. It’s unsettling.
1. Evil Xavier Lashes Out
“With the shroud that conceals it ripped away, that dark side of my nature lashed out, without reason or compassion, trying to destroy what I care about the most, the X-Men.”
Professor X
When Xavier’s consciousness is temporarily split, it’s like a Jekyll and Hyde situation, and his team gets to meet Hyde. Even though it appears to be an apparition only they can see, it can harm them.

The real fun, though, is hearing Evil Xavier run them down. He practically spits insults at Wolverine, saying, “You’re an animal. Always causing trouble. You never follow orders. It was a mistake to save you. I’m sick of your selfish, undisciplined arrogance!” And he says to Gambit, “You cannot be trusted, Gambit! So you must be eliminated.”
Now, we know Xavier doesn’t truly believe these things, otherwise he wouldn’t waste his time with them on the team. But it’s also clear these barbs are grounded in truth, and there probably have been moments of anger or frustration when he’s wanted to say them.
2 Things I’m Mixed On
2. Crystal MacGuffin
Sounds like a decent character name, no?
Lilandra finally enters the story and gives a big exposition dump. We learn she’s the sister of D’Ken, the emperor of the Shi’ar. And D’Ken is after the Crystal of M’Kraan—the greatest power in the universe.
Frankly, it doesn’t matter that much. The crystal is obviously a MacGuffin. But I’m glad they’re providing a reason for this war, and for Lilandra and these other ships to have traveled through the wormhole, even though it’s just another case of a power-mad asshole bent on universal domination.
1. Deeper Than Love?
“I have seen your face a thousand times, in my mind.”
In another exposition dump, Lilandra explains, “The Shi’ar believe that two minds can be linked from the moment of their creation, destined to seek each other out in their time of need. It’s a bond like love, only deeper.”
I don’t know, man…
I’ll need to see more before I buy into this idea that Professor X and Lilandra’s destinies are linked. Especially because Lilandra’s psychic connections with the professor have caused him nothing but pain, fear, and confusion. And now they’ve put him, his team, and his entire galaxy in grave danger.
Not exactly what I’m looking for in a soulmate… but I’ll give it a chance.

1 Thing I Don’t Like
1. “I Am Phoenix!”
I’m willing to bet Jean rising from the lake in her new Phoenix look—flying, surrounded by flames, wearing a new costume, sporting big new hair, and proclaiming “I am Phoenix!”—is lifted directly from the comics.

It’s probably even a splash page. And I bet it’s an awesome one at that.
But here in the show, it’s so hokey.