First Things First…
This originally aired as Episode 3.8.
I’m excited to head back to the Savage Land. I was mixed on it in Season 2, but that was a pacing issue. It was frustrating to only get Professor X and Magneto’s story in the Savage Land doled out in drips and drabs most of the season. I still think it’s a fascinating setting, so getting a two-parter there should be fun.
3 Things I Like
3. Storm Unleashed
“Deep within this weather witch lies untold power. One need only release her self-control, and boundless life-energy will surge. Energy to make you powerful beyond your darkest dreams.”
Storm has been absent for a minute. It’s good to not only have her back, but for her to be at the center of this story. She’s the centerpiece of Garokk and Zaldane’s plan because of how powerful she is. And they’re really emphasizing her power—something that too often gets lost in the shuffle.

2. Attack on the Citadel
“It is over, Sauron. Your reign of terror over the Savage Land ends now!”
We open in the thick of a fight, with Ka-Zar and natives of the Savage Land attacking the Citadel, assaulting it with catapults, and sending Sauron reeling.
Turns out there’s a much bigger fight to come, but I like how we jump right into the action to start this two-parter.
1. Wolverine & Friends
The best part of being in the Savage Land is seeing Wolverine return. He’s the one who teamed up with Ka-Zar at the end of Season 2, so he gets a warm welcome. And he’s very happy to see the big cat, Zabu, and wrestle with him.
Even though he’s from Canada—about as far from this tropical locale as possible—it’s no surprise Wolverine is the most at home in nature.
1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. The Stone Head, the Priestess, and the Pterodactyl
“Your plan is reaching fruition, my lord. Soon the Savage Land will be cleansed of all disbelievers, and the Age of Garokk will begin anew.”
There’s some cool stuff here, but the main story of this episode is way too convoluted.
For starters, I was stunned to find that Sauron began as a regular guy named Karl Lykos. Apparently, one of Mister Sinister’s experiments turned him into a pterodactyl with mind-control powers.
This is also how I learned that Sauron needs to absorb mutant life-energy to keep his powers—and that, even when he’s Karl, he needs to absorb human life-energy just to stay alive.
Where it gets confusing is trying to figure out whose side the priestess, Zaladane, is on.
She saves Sauron from Ka-Zar, who’s about to kill him, but allows him to turn back into his human form.

Then she puts a necklace with Garokk’s face around his neck, which exerts some degree of mind control over Karl. It doesn’t seem he’s totally in control of his actions when he jets out of the Savage Land and into New York City, or when he abducts Storm.
Once Sauron has reemerged, Zaladane tells him that Storm is more powerful than anyone realizes and will serve as an endless energy supply for him to feast on. Yet later, after Storm has been brainwashed, Zaladane tells her…
“You are no longer food for Sauron.”
Is her whole motivation just to spread her religion? Was Sauron just a pawn to bring her Storm? The muddled motivations throughout the episode make this harder to follow and get into. Especially considering that Zaladane is a new character who I don’t yet care about.
(Although it’s interesting that the statue of Garokk kinda/sorta looks like it could be an ancient version of Apocalypse.)

1 Thing I Don’t Like
1. Jubilee’s New Outfit
Guys, come on. I can’t believe I have to say this again. But she’s 15. Why is she the only one who gets dirty in the Savage Land and is forced into a loin cloth and a skimpy top? Can we please stop with this shit with a teenage girl??