First Things First…
**This originally aired as Episode 5.5.
Oh no…
As soon as I saw an episode named after Longshot, I dreaded the idea that Mojo was probably coming back. And now we’re here. “Mojovision” is by far my least favorite episode of the series so far. And as much as I want to give every episode a fair chance, I hate Mojo so much that, if he’s in it, I can’t imagine I’m going to enjoy it.
1 Thing I Like
1. Wolverine’s Trust Issues
“My trust is earned, bub.”
When Longshot arrives, Wolverine is not having it. No matter how doe-eyed Jubilee gets over him, Wolverine doesn’t trust that they’re on the same side. He believes Longshot might be a secret agent for Mojo. After all…
“Longshot’s an actor. Who says he ain’t playing a part?”
In the end, though, Longshot proves himself by fighting side by side with Wolverine. He might not have fully earned his trust, but he comes awfully close. And when it comes to Wolverine, that still means a lot.

1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. Rebellion in TV Land
When Longshot regains his memories, we learn that he’s leading a rebellion of Mojo’s genetically engineered slaves against Mojo himself.
The glimpses of the rebellion look surprisingly cool…

My disgust for Mojo aside, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it. It seems like a battle on a grand scope. But it’s a throwaway plot point here, only used to show that Longshot is a hero, not just a pretty boy TV star.
4 Things I Don’t Like
4. Claws Not Cutting
A couple of episodes ago, I was annoyed that Cyclops used his eye beams to extinguish fires. It seemed like a clear misuse or misunderstanding of his power.
This is no better…
When Wolverine gets into hand-to-hand combat with Spiral, he uses his claws to block the blows from her sword. They clang against each other. But shouldn’t his claws slice right through her weapon? WTF?

3. In Jubilee’s Lap
Of all the places Longshot could’ve been transported to, not only does he randomly end up on Earth, but he also randomly falls into the lap of an X-Man—a group he has history with?
I’d be fine with it if Mojo chose to go to Earth to engage with the X-Men again. They were a ratings hit when he had them in his dimension. He’d have a reason to do so. But for Longshot to randomly wind up directly with the X-Men is too hard to believe.
2. Nabokov’s X-Men
“I hate it when Wolverine treats me like a kid! I’m 15… uh, 17 years old! I can look after myself!”
C’mon guys. What are we doing? Jubilee is 15. The stuff with her and Longshot is creepy. How old is he? 30?
Granted, Longshot isn’t as smitten as Jubilee is. But he calls her sweetheart when he arrives. Later, he gives her a flower and tells her she has great courage. And as he’s about to transport back to his dimension, he tells her, “I’ll never forget you, Jubilee. Thank you,” and kisses her on the forehead. (Actually, it looks more like he kisses her on the eye, but that’s probably not what they were going for.)
And if the situation isn’t already creepy enough, we end on a fallen rose and sad piano music.
1. Mojo Is Still the Worst
Mojo is even worse than a teased underage romance. That should tell you everything you need to know about him.
At least he doesn’t completely dominate the whole episode like in “Mojovision,” but that’s small consolation. He’s still one of the most grating characters I’ve ever watched on TV, period.