First Things First…
Omega Red was a one-off villain last time, so I’m not sure where we’re going now. Maybe we could at least learn a little more about the Savage Land.
1 Thing I Like
1. Weapon X
Apparently Wolverine doesn’t like this name, but I like getting a look at his origin. I don’t know how comics accurate this is, but seeing flashbacks to Wolverine in Canada, getting his skeleton reinforced with adamantium, is cool. Especially when he busts out of his tube in his underwear, tears apart the lab with his new claws, and terrorizes the professor in charge of the experiment.
I seem to remember as a kid his origin was a big mystery, so I’m surprised to see this series tackled it so long ago.
1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. Mystery Woman in the Savage Land
“You will never leave here alive. Never!”
Savage Woman
This whole scene struck me as weird. I don’t know who this woman is, and I didn’t care for her power, or her attack on Professor X and Magneto. I’m intrigued, though, when she says, “All the Mutates in the Savage Land are Magneto’s creations.”
We already knew Magneto was aware of what the Savage Land is, even though the Professor wasn’t. But this indicates there’s a lot more to it than just him being aware of it.
So why does she attack Magneto? And why doesn’t the Professor press him for answers?
3 Things I Don’t Like
3. Falling Out with Alpha Flight
“Alpha Flight! Forget it, Vindicator. You can send every mutant in Canada after me! I ain’t coming back!”
The premise of this episode is built on Wolverine having ditched Alpha Flight and refusing to ever work with them again. But why?
He references not wanting to be used as a weapon, but what does that mean? In the flashback when they asked him to join the team, it seemed like he knew what he was signing up for. And considering Heather and Vindicator basically nursed him back to health, he owed them. I have the sense that Wolverine is a loyal guy, so what would’ve caused a rift that would make him okay leaving them behind, and seemingly with such hostility?

2. Cerebro Can’t Find Wolverine
Jean is using Cerebro to try to find Professor X, and it’s understandable that the Savage Land shields his presence. But instead, Jean picks up on something from Wolverine.
But then she can’t actually find him because the signal is “too vague… too distant”? WTF?
She’s in upstate New York and he’s in Canada—presumably no more than a few hours away. But hell, even if he’s all the way in Western Canada, isn’t Cerebro supposed to scan the globe? Why isn’t it working properly with Wolverine? This weak signal seems like a poor explanation for the team not coming to his rescue.
1. Oh Jeez…
Speaking of poor explanations…
The climax of this episode only takes place because a scientist leaves a glass of water on top of top secret, super expensive machinery, and it spills.
And then, just like Cyclops did earlier this season, Wolverine is suddenly strong enough to muscle out of metal fasteners that are securing his arms to a lab table when, moments earlier, he wasn’t strong enough to break free. This, to me, is shoddy storytelling.