First Things First…
I’m less enthused about Jean and Scott getting married than about the arrival of Mister Sinister. I don’t know if he’s a Big Bad for the whole season, but I’m excited he’s here either way. I’m just surprised he enters the series this soon, because I really don’t remember him being around much. I would’ve guessed he’s in the later seasons.
4 Things I Like
4. First Look at Sinister
It’s just a quick glance at the end of the episode, but we do get a look at Mister Sinister. His design is the absolute coolest.

As far as the storyline goes, I don’t know what his motives are yet. We just know he’s pulling Morph’s strings. But I want to see more, to learn more, and to find out if he’s a season-long Big Bad, or if he’s just here for one arc.
3. Morph Stirs the Pot
“No! He’s my friend! They were all my friends. I don’t want to hurt them. But why did they abandon me? Why did they leave me to die?”
Morph’s death at the beginning of last season was effective in showing the stakes mutants face. But considering he’s a character created for this series, specifically to serve that purpose so a main character didn’t have to die, I wasn’t looking for him to return. Especially because he was so irritating.
But I’m into this role for him now that it turns out he’s still alive. He’s either been brainwashed by Mister Sinister or is otherwise being controlled by him, and you can see his struggle with his orders, his good memories of his friends, but also, his memory of them leaving him to die.
2. Wolverine’s Fantasy
Wolverine uses the Danger Room to play out his fantasy of murdering Cyclops on his wedding day, while wearing a tuxedo 🤣

At first, I thought one of them was having a nightmare. But nope! Wolverine really wants to kill Cyclops so he can have Jean to himself.
Considering Morph impersonates the minister, I assume the wedding is invalid. So who knows? Maybe there’s still hope for the softie.
1. The President and the Beast Tied at the Hip
“When we saved President Kelly’s life last year, he learned that not all mutants were evil. Now his followers feel betrayed. So often in our history, unhappy, misguided people have created scapegoats, blaming those that are different for the problems in their own lives.”
Professor X
Anti-mutant hysteria has been enflamed, and President Kelly and Beast are at the center of it.
Kelly has been sworn in as president, and he’s freed Beast and fully pardoned him, which has pissed off a lot of people. His supporters feel betrayed now that he’s pro-mutant.
Leading the charge is a new character named Creed, who seems to be heading up a hate group called Friends of Humanity. They’re hunting down mutants and bombing public places and businesses that cater to mutants.
Meanwhile, Beast has to be on his best behavior so he doesn’t make Kelly look bad. But that’s tough to do when the X-Men are being set up by anti-mutant terrorists to look like they’re causing mayhem in the streets when, in reality, they’re trying to extinguish it. As he says to Wolverine during a skirmish…
“A crime scene is no place for a recent recipient of a presidential pardon.”
But the damage may have been done, because the video footage of Beast holding a gun and “attacking” a car filled with people looks damning.
Both Kelly and Beast are in precarious positions right now and need to watch their step. I’m anxious to see what that next step will be for each of them.
1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. Right Place, Right Time?
I’ll reserve judgment until we learn more. (That is, if we learn more.) But it seems pretty convenient, and rather silly, that Mister Sinister just happened to be hiding in the shadows when the X-Men infiltrated the mutant registration facility at the beginning of Season 1, putting him in perfect position to rescue Morph after the team left him behind.
What was he doing there? Did he know who the X-Men were already? He seems big on surveillance, so it could make sense that he knew something was gonna go down that night, and he was there to learn more. But if that’s the case, I hope they explain it. Otherwise, this is a nonsensical way to accomplish their objective of bringing Morph back into the story.