First Things First…
Even though the previous episode isn’t my favorite of the season, its developments have me anticipating this episode more than any other.
How will John go on without Evelyn? And will he be able to reunite with Quiet? I assume they’ll partner again… but she’s gonna be pissed he chose a car over her.
Oh, and they’re running out of time to get to New San Francisco…
3 Things I Like
3. Flame Headed Clown Completes the Convergence

Stone has laid the trap at his blockade, and he’s got his goons there…
John and Quiet are there in their new car, Roadkill…
Our friends Watts, Amber, and the rest of Convoy are there…
And the episode ends with Sweet Tooth arriving, top of his head aflame, with a reluctant Stu and a desperate, shock-collared Mike in tow, throwing a huge monkey wrench into everything.
So before we find out what the payoff to John’s delivery will be, we’re headed for a chaotic showdown involving all the important players.
2. Convoy to the Rescue

I really liked the Convoy episode and these characters. I’m thrilled to see them back for the end of the season. Plus, having them pick up John, and John tell them how to find Quiet, is a more realistic way to reunite John and Quiet than if they found each other on the road randomly, when she had such a head start in a car and he was on foot.
1. Partners… If That’s Still a Thing
“So there’s a ‘we’ now? Get this straight—the only reason I haven’t thrown you out of the back of this fucking rig is because I want inside. I want a new life, a life where I don’t have to look at your fucking face every goddamn minute.”
Quiet’s reaction to finding out John is still alive… the anger, hurt, and betrayal she feels… and John’s remorse and heartfelt apology… are handled perfectly.
Quiet punishes John for the way he discarded her, and rightly so. She doesn’t jump right back into his arms.
After her initial rage, we see how hurt and vulnerable she is when she begins to lose her composure as she tells him…
“When I watched that fireball explode in the woods, I thought you were fucking dead. I thought I’d lost you. And I’m so fucking tired of losing people. And you knew that, John, and you didn’t care. ‘Cause you don’t care about anyone but you.”
But she doesn’t hold the grudge forever. The next morning, John makes a heartfelt apology, where he explains how Evelyn had been his home for more than 20 years, but he doesn’t use that to justify his actions. He also says…
“Look, in the past l0 days, we’ve fought, tried to kill each other, did interesting things to each other’s bodies in a ball pit. I can’t imagine day 11 without you. I’m better with you. I think maybe you’re better with me, too. I know what I did was shitty. And I’m sorry. I don’t have to be in the driver’s seat all the time. I want to be a partner… if that’s still a thing.“
And returning her hatchet with “Shhh” etched into it is the perfect makeup gift.
In the end, they’re back to being partners, the separation is meaningful but isn’t dragged out, and John’s apology and Quiet’s forgiveness both feel earned.
1 Thing I’m Mixed On
1. Stone Losing His Fastball
Stone was at his most compelling when he was showing how sadistic he is. But Sweet Tooth has handed him his ass and had him on his heels for a while now, and we haven’t seen that side of him in a minute. Lately when Stone is on screen, I just haven’t been that into it, as much as I like the performance.
1 Thing I Don’t Like
1. Mike and Stu Go WAAAAAY Back
“I’m so sorry, Stu, but I was wrong, and you are wrong about that clown.”
Why didn’t we know this sooner?
Considering the fall of society, I just assumed Mike and Stu hit it off and became buds as adults. If I had known from the start that they’ve been friends since second grade, it would’ve added a lot more emotion to Mike’s betrayal, and his sucking up to get in with Stone.
Then again, he’s been a non-factor for a while, so this scene doesn’t amount to much anyway.