Bella and Edward’s epic romance begins with an awkward introduction in science lab. Plus, Charlie needs flannels and a mustache to tamp down the handsome, and Mike Dexter is a good vampire??
Bella and Edward’s epic romance begins with an awkward introduction in science lab. Plus, Charlie needs flannels and a mustache to tamp down the handsome, and Mike Dexter is a good vampire??
Bella and Edward’s epic romance crackles with electricity and cringy inner monologues. Plus, sparkling vampires, irresistible human flavors, and Bella wants to join the undead.
Bela Lugosi sets the standard for ALL Dracula’s to come. Plus, Van Helsing is a worthy adversary, Renfield is unhinged, and Harker loses everything cool about him from the book.
The all-time classic vampire novel doesn’t disappoint. Plus, Dracula is a closet bookworm, Renfield eats a lot of bugs, and everybody loves a good paper trail and an endless search for dirt.